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(Paradise, Earth & Community Effort)


Each petition can be signed on a form available for printout by clicking here , or by clicking the "print" link at the bottom of this page. You can print the form, sign it and return it to P.E.A.C.E. at

7515 Goldenrod Ave. Magna, Utah 84044

We also encourage you to gather other signatures in your own community, adding them to the form printed for yourself. Your signatures are appreciated!

When enough signatures are gathered to create sufficient interst, P.E.A.C.E. will contact the United Nations and others, to solicit their support.

These 6 petitions can solve immediate serious problems P.E.A.C.E. sees in our world: 1. Petition against poaching of our world's wild life. We ask the leaders of nations to encourage citizens who live near wildlife to protect, rather than destroy the wildlife. Put local citizens to work drilling wells, building dams, roads and fences, planting and restoring vegetation under proper supervision. As the wildlife prospers, tourism will help all who live near the wildlife reserves.

2. Petition against electrocution of our world's birds.Countless birds are being electrocuted by power poles. This can be prevented by placing a simple perch on all dangerous poles. We will ask the United Nations, and all other leaders of influence in our world, to use their influence to solve this problem.

3. Petition against the terrible effects of pornography.Let's start departments in every state and country to protect common decency from this multi-billion dollar monster. Let us protect our children by developing a world standard for all public libraries to keep this evil monster away from our children.

4. Petition to help our world and our poor by E.A.R.T.H.'s. Force.This branch of P.E.A.C.E. works with governments to find jobs for the poor, homeless and starving people who are willing to work to clean up the earth. This could include growing gardens, restoring vegetation, repairing, recycling, drilling wells, or whatever serves that community's needs.

5. Petition against the waste of our natural world.Governments will be encouraged to give tax breaks to those willing to contribute land for the preservation and restoration of our natural world.

6. Petition against pollution of our world's water.The United Nations should set and regulate safety standards for ships, vessels and companies that haul oil and other dangerous substances upon our world's water.

Each petition is described in more detail in the pamphlet "World Tour Script for P.E.A.C.E." availble for purchase from Peace On Earth Art, a group of artists who have agreed to donate 50% of all their profit to P.E.A.C.E. They can be contacted at peaceoneartart.com, or by clicking here. Be aware that clicking on their website navigates you away from the P.E.A.C.E. website.

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